July 20, 2009


Have you heard of Ceu? She ‘s Brazilian, & her downtempo Samba is crazy cool! Ceu and the DJ

This girl’s dancing was so charming, I’ve been trying to mimic her shimmy since her Seattle show last week. I haven’t quite got it though…

July 15, 2009

Vicinity Studio Launched!

My first listing for Vicinity Studio is up on Etsy! 38 views so far & 1 sale (thanks Mom:) Now I just need to get a few more designs buttoned up! -Oh yes, & make some sales.

July 1, 2009

Vicinity Studio

A work in progress....
Bubble Tree Birdie Gift Tag
I'm getting my ducks in a row (or Birdies, in this case), to jump into the great big world of online selling.  The count-down is on for my etsy launch! (10...9.....8....7.....)